Please visit the New for 2025 page to get all the details on entries types and award eligibility
The "Click here to get registered" link below will take you to a set of 3 forms used to register for the show, and to register each of your models.
The first form you'll fill out is the Master Entry Form - information about you.
Once you have completed that form, you will automatically be taken to the Evaluated Entries Form. You can only enter four evaluated entries.
As you complete each entry and submit, you will see an option to either enter another Evaluated Entry, OR if you are done with up to four Evaluated entries, there will be another button to move on to the Display Entries Form.
You may now enter up to 20 Display Entries. Again, each time you submit a Display Entry, you'll see a button to enable you to add another.
When you have submitted the final Display Entry, you may close the browser window.
For details on the differences between Evaluated and Display entries, please read the details below.
If you require assistance, contact Casey at
Already Registered but need to add additional models to your entry?
Use the links below to access the webforms to register additional models.
(24 total: 4 Evaluated 20 Display)
If you cannot successfully use the Online Registration process via the link above (PLEASE try first!), you may download the computer-fillable PDF forms packet at the link below. If you do this, PLEASE email your completed forms to Greg Kittinger ( to get pre-registered:
Click here for PDF Forms Packet
Evaluated Entries versus Display Entries
Evaluated Entries (4 max): Each modeler may select up to four entries to be evaluated. This means they will be judged for Gold/Silver/Bronze and receive judging feedback, AND those entries will qualify for ALL awards (Master, Special, & Club Member Select: see the awards tiers below, and download the Awards list at the bottom of the page for details).
Display Entries (20 max): 20 more models can be entered as Display entries. They will not be judged for GSB or Master Awards, but will qualify for all of the Special Awards and the Club Member Awards.